Welcome to our new online store/ordering system!

About our Farm


Green Mountain Girls Farm is a family farm steeped in the rich culture of Vermont’s working landscape. Our farm is situated high in the Green Mountains at the top of the watershed. We grow food in ways that capture the greatest potential of the sun, rain and natural systems, while enhancing food quality, plant health, soil life and ecosystem services. 

We offer clean, delicious, nutrient dense food and farm stays for individuals and families prioritizing wellness and who want their food and tourism choices to support social and ecological health. Together, through regenerative agriculture, we can restore balance and connection and hope to influence larger systemic change.


Our farmstand is intimate, tucked within the main barn, nestled at the center of our hilly farm. Abundance is the constant, with fridges and freezers of meat, vegetables, fruits and ready to eat foods changing with the seasons. 

Nutrient density is visible in waxy, thick leaves and color intensity. Customers often remark about the fresh flavor of our foods and seem most surprised by longer than expected shelf life. 


Our farmstays and farm experiences are memories with an even longer shelf life! They are simple and pivot on the authentic work of any given day. We invite visitors to step beyond our barnyard and learn how food can be grown sustainably, allowing them to answer their curiosity, hone their skills, advance their quest and be part of one farm’s attempt to grow food more ethically.

NOTE: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic our farmstand & farmstays are currently closed to customers in order to best protect both our farm staff & customers and have the best assurance of a stable, safe food supply from our farm.  But you can order food from our new online farmstand and we look forward to when we can welcome folks back onto the farm. 

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